computer rebuild.

Jeremy decided I needed computer rebuild.  He has a new one, back lit keyboard uber memory hi definition, make the bed and clean the bathroom type of thing.  I still have my regular one, cluttered desktop pictures and downloads everywhere and lots of mail.  Just how I like it.

Not now tho.  While I’ve been laid up ill and trying to recover He decided to clean it up, or whatever you call it.  Now I haven’t any pictures or downloads or anything else for that matter.  What Have I gained.  I can now hover and get a potion of the message highlighted on my forums.  Only took most of the day.  Only hope that it can live up to it’s expection of enhancing my forum experience.  Since I’m addicted to the internet maybe it is important. Only time will tell.

Making time

I’m struggling with this blog.  Not because I don’t do lots of things but because midwifery takes over lots of my life by the time I’m think about blogging the moment has passed.  I’m good at taking the pictures but then rubblish at doing anything with them.

I’m going to work on this lots over the next few weeks as I really want this blog to be an account of my whole life.

All the issues going on in midwifery here in Australia at the moment take up lots of my thought time, as well as birthing with women.  Everyone seems to be at me, the college of midwives the consumer lobbyist, the gossips, the state.  This is probably just my paranoia but it’s how it feels.

My poor family exist all around me, propping me up and filling all my gaps.  I am looking for ways to diversify a bit with more public education on options etc.  Just have to find a way to make   it happen.

Joc Birthday


Today was Joc 12th Birthday.  We went for breakfact to Muggletons.  Jeremy was in a bad mood and declined to come but we managed well without him. She had a touch phone.  Jeremy was pretty shitty about it but Jos loves it.


This is her amazing breakfast of French toast, ice cream, cream, maple syrup,rasberries and a cherry on the top.  We also had chai tea.


Next we went to the city and she had her belly button pierced.



She thought it was very painful but didn’t really make too much fuss.  Another reason that Jeremy has decided not to speak to me.  OOPS……….

School’s out, school’s in

We have been homeschooling the children.  It’s going well, although it took a while for the authorities to stop chasing us.  We have been meandering in our own way until Honey and Lilly came to stay and Lilly started school last week.

Spike decided he would like to go.  Really he only wanted to catch up with friends but after days and days of discussion and us looking like we were preventing him from going we agreed and he went back.  Now the authorities are thinking about us again with Rex and Jos.  What a pain in the Arse.  We  have done refrigeration this week as their project and it’s been really interesting.  At school they have done nothing because of the hot weather.

Two days of school and Spike comes in to me saying “do I have to go to school”.  How do you explain to a seven year old the utter chaos he has caused.  Jem and I have discussed (in very serious and loud tones) what is the best course of action.  Rex and Jos are clear that they are happy home schooling and Rex especially has become so much more settled over the past year.

Bloody government, we think we are free but everything we do is controlled by some sort of legislation.

Even hotter

Not only have we had the third highest temp ever recorded here, almost 46 degrees but I have attended 5 births in 8 days.  I wonder if it’s the weather change?

Spike lost his second front toothdscf0474

Jeremy also decided to use the eggs that we have been generously given by friends with chooks who are great layers. It was a work of art.   He hand made the pastry too.



I’m tired and can’t sleep because of the heat but we are all very well fed!!

Home news

For the past 2 days I have been out with a labouring woman.  I am writing this after having no sleep since Saturday night. When I arrived home my husband had been in charge of our 4 plus Oz’s girlfriend.  Sophie and Aiden who are Jos and Rex’s friends and Honey’s daughter Lilly.  He’d made a huge pot of buttered chicken enough for all of us including Honey myself and my friend Donna (sophie and Aiden’s mother) who had all been at work.  He can sometimes surprise me with his nature.

Two major events happened while I was away.

1.   Oz cleared his room!  There was a terrible smell in the house as he’d had lots of curdled milk and ransid food up there.  The rest of the childrens reaction was to use  an avoidance technique


2. Spike finally lost a tooth.  He has been desperate for a tooth to fall out of his mouth.  He is the only kid he knows that this hadn’t happened to.  He was so proud of it and the fact that he pulled it out.  We have no more children left to lose their first teeth and I missed it.  He asked me if I wanted to buy it for 2 dollars.  The tooth fairy dream seems to have by passed him.


Wii tv.

We have no TV,  I am apposed to the propaganda, advertising and subliminal brainwashing that happens.We were loaned one when we arrived in Australia 6 years ago and didn’t use it until a few years later when we bought a play station 2 with a few games.  That didn’t work well in our family so it all went in a box and the TV went back to the shed.

Honey and her daughter Lilly have come to stay for a few months and brought a suit case with a Wii.  Initially I wasn’t keep or even willing for everyone to bring the TV into the house.  I was over ruled and it ( which by the way is at least 35 years old) was brought in and Wii fit set up.  Now I have a profile.  FFS I hate tv’s they drive me insane all that watching and not communicating, but I just couldn’t help it. I wanted one.  Computers are bad enough but this!!!.  I am at heart highly competitive and had to have a go at the hoola hooping and the running, then there’s the tight rope and the yoga…..


Honey, Lilly and Jos singing

We have had our box packed in the shed, it contained Sing star, this was the next thing to come out.  Mic’s didn’t work so today we went all the way to the city to buy some new ones, and of course an extra Sing star game.  I Love singing and 3 hours later, my friend Donna had arrived with Sophie, Jos friend, and we are all busy with “sweet home Alabama” and “The son of a Preacher man”

What does all this mean? well we are stuck with a tv for the next few months.

My Oldest Son works full time and bought himself a screen and playstation 3.  We talked about the pro’s and cons of that for ages before he did it and he bought the playstation first and couldn’t use it for weeks until we all agreed. he has the whole third floor to himself so the others didn’t get to see it).  He doesn’t watch channels but We do all occasionally watch a DVD.

Now we are all obsessed with keeping fit and singing without even leaving the house…. the world is a crazy place.  My crunchiness is going down by the minute, my voice is hoarse and I have to do cardio.  How did we manage so long without these things, and how will we go back to normal when Honey goes home?

Hot Hot Hot

Today Adelaide was the hottest place in Australia, it was up to 42 degrees.  After pushing the hospital to give me Anti D for an antenatal and seeing a new client I drove back to the hills to get the family.  My birth on Monday was with a woman who lives at the beach, so we made it a family affair.  Being Welsh I can never quite get the feeling I’m on holiday at a Greek island out of my head.  It was still well over 30deg after dark.  These are the times when I know why we moved to Australia.


Jeremy, Rex,Spike, Honey and Lilly who are living with us at the moment.

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I intend to blog about my dreads and the progress in making them.  I had a bit of a set back today however when Lilly asked Honey why I had string in my hair and how do you get it out?    Progress hasn’t been quick I know but all the same I like to think they look ok!!!