

I took up spinning after being given a spinning wheel and a fleece from a client well over a year ago.  I am trying to get more adventurous.  I was given an Angora fleece from another friend and washed and hand dyed some to make a top.  It is going pretty well.  I’m hoping to have it finished tomorrow


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Angora washed and then hand dyed with denim blue and purple

hand dyed purple and demin blue dscf0309

Spun with a large bobin to give me plenty of chunky bits for my piece.


I’m looking forward to posting my completed work.

I have also been dying wool.  It’s all looking good, now I just need a bit of time to work on my projects.

4 thoughts on “Spinning

  1. My mum had one of these when I was little but it has been broken and in the shed for more years than I care to think. I have been wondering if there might be someone I knew that had a working one as Ross’s parents offered to give me the wool from their alpaca Bruno so I can make them scarves and a jumper for the baby…..so, my question is would you be able to spin some alpaca wool for me? or do you know someone who would? Hope that top turned out well. XO

  2. I could but why don’t you get the wheel out and we could try and fix it. It is pretty easy to learn.
    I will post a pic soon, have been so busy that I need to spin a bit more to finish the bell on the second sleeve, then it is ready to showcase.xx

  3. Sounds good. I will have to ask mum if it’s easy to get to. I would love to learn! Can’t wait to have a look at the top once you’ve had the chance for some “lisa” time. Take care xx

  4. Have talked to mum and the spinner is somewhere in the shed with a broken leather so should be easy to fix. She also said she has a drop spinner somewhere….I will get in touch once bubs has arrived and we’re all settled back into life again (I’m sure Rose will tell you when it all happens!). If I’m not able to come to April coffee morning I will hopefully be able to come in May. Hope you’re well xx

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