First days of online course.

I feel refreshed blogging about something other than birth. (although attended an amazing birth this morning).  I started the online course and tried to comment on the other participants blogs.  Lots of them are newly set up.  I fogot to add an rss feed to each as I was commenting so now go back and do that.  In my typical fashion I’ve been trying to think of ways around it like maybe adding all the blogs to my book marks and checking them.  All this, to try and save myself time and effort.    Any suggestions for a short cut?   Oh well, I suppose I’ll just have to bite the bullet and start adding the blogs one by one.

I’ve been thinking about what I want to get out of the course and I’m still not really sure but I am attracted by the fact that lots of the participants are not birth related, maybe I’ll be able to switch of my mind and get a bit more rounded in my thinking.

3 thoughts on “First days of online course.

  1. I use Google Reader to manage my blogs. I can open 1 page & see all the blogs that have been updated since I last checked in 🙂

  2. Hi Lisa,
    There might be a short cut. I started last year’s course but got too snowed with other stuff so dropped out after several weeks. I did set up a Pageflakes page for all last year’s blogs – and once I’d done it everyone could use it. Maybe after tomorrow’s meetings, there will be a volunteer to have a go for FO2010.

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