2nd Week

You can do it.

You can do it.

We are just starting the second week of our facilitating online course.  We have to think about why we want to do the course, join the emails group and answer these questions

  • What do you want to learn to facilitate?
  • What are you doing now in terms of online facilitation?
  • What would you like to achieve, change or do more of?
  • What do you need to do or make happen to achieve your goal?

Well I would really like to learn how to facilitate an online campain properly.  I tend to rely on friends and supporters which always appears to be getting the word out there.  However it is really more like preaching to the converted and I’m sure there is a way to reach an untouched audience.

I have attended 4 births this week but in between have been quite excited about reading everyone’s blogs and thinking of my goals.  I have no idea about wiki so hope to at least understand the point of it by the end of the course.  Twitter is also an enigma to me although I try hard

What I have found it difficult to add a comment to some of the blogs as they are self explanatory but create no questions for me.  I would like to comment more as I myself love comments, so am trying to be more inspirational and less reactive.  There was a fantastic discussion on  Gullivers musings in the comments section about your online persona.

I also gave consideration to becoming an official participant by paying the course fee and getting one on one tuition.  It’s not that I’m particularly internet naive but I have lots of specific questions that could be boring for people and I find it easy to dominate a conversation (a failing but at least I know myself well).  However I think it is a lot more for international students.

I have to answer the above questions this week but it needs more thought.

5 thoughts on “2nd Week

  1. Fees for Australian students are the same as Kiwis: approx NZ$400. get in touch with Catherine Lindsay our administrator if you want to know more: catherine.lindsay(at)op.ac.nz

    I this there is a call for midwives to get more involved with activism and campaigns…you are very well placed for that. Did you read about the Facebook campaign that got a birth unit re-opened on Mary Sidebotham’s blog?

  2. Hi Lisa, I love your post. You write well. I too am seeking to understand and become fluent with ways to generate interest and activism in important topics using social media. I like the way you have set up the blog too! Very creative and delightful to view.

    Sarah, the social media campaign for the birth centre support was awesome and very effective wasn’t it. Do you have a sense of why that particular campaign was so effective?

  3. I did know about the campaign and I think it was excellent. I must admit we have had lots of success with our fund raising through the internet and networking. I’m interested in how to increase the network. I have a constant conundrum with twitter, you can’t communicate with anyone you aren’t following even if you@ to them. So how do you get followers or communicate through that medium with people who are not already following you? How to you encourage followers?

  4. Just re-read your post, Lisa. And I think you’ve come across a great tip for blog posts…and that is to ask questions that can be answered by readers. Must remember to pass that on to the ‘class’ 🙂

    @Carolyn I do not know anything about this campaign…you’ll have to talk to Mary Sidebotham…I think she was in the ‘know’.

    Twitter – I love it…as you know. It works much better if you use a program that brings the tweets in synchronously. I use Echofon that is embedded in my Firefox browser. I have often thought that Twitter should be great for midwives because it can be used via cell phones which midwives use all the time.

  5. Duly noted: create questions for readers to answer. Thanks Lisa! I think my blogging has just evolved some, as I intend to adapt my writing to foster and encourage comments and feedback from others.

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